TalkingPointsEnabling School-Family Engagement Through a Multilingual Communication Platform
SuyoUnlocking the Economic and Social Value of Low-Income Families' Homes Through Property Formalization
AmbercycleA Breakthrough Closed-Loop Recycling Technology to Create New Materials Out of Waste Plastic
No Means No WorldwideScaling an Evidence-based Rape Prevention Program for Adolescent Boys and Girls
Breakthrough IndiaScaling A School-Based Adolescent Program to Address Gender-Biased Sex Selection in India
Development Media InternationalNational Scale-up of a Radio Campaign for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Survival in Mozambique
Precision Agriculture for DevelopmentDeveloping a High-Quality Advisory Service for 100 Million Farmers using New Technology Tools
Civil Rights Litigation Venture FundUsing a Venture Fund Investment Structure to Finance Criminal Justice Reform Litigation
mReliefStreamlining the Food Stamp Enrollment Process to Unlock Unclaimed Benefits for Low-Income Americans
Honduras Safer Municipalities & Jobs ProgramEvaluating the Impact of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Life Trajectory of Youth in High-Crime Contexts
Optimizing Ventilation to Improve Health Developing Affordable Designs to Increase Household Ventilation and Improve Health in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Graduated ReintegrationA New Model of Reentry to Reduce Mass Incarceration in the United States
StrongMindsTreating Depression at Scale in Africa through Self-Perpetuating, Community-Based Interpersonal Therapy Groups